Logo Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi, (literally means three diamonds in english), is a japanese company established in 1870 as a shippnig firm by
Koyata Iwasaki.This three-diamond embelem is signifying the meaning of the word Mitsubishi,which is combination of the
words "mitsu" and "hishi." "Mitsu" means three. "Hishi" means water chestnut, and the word is used to denote a rhombus or
diamond shape. As customary, "hishi" is pronounced "bishi" when it forms a latter part of a word, hence the combination
of "mitsu" and "hishi" reads "mitsubishi."
Yataro Iwasaki, the founder of the old Mitsubishi organization, decided on the three-diamond mark as the emblem for his company.The mark is said to be an arrangement of two family crests; the three-oak-leaf crest of the Yamauchi family, Lords of Tosa, where Yataro was born, and the three-tiered water chestnut crest of the Iwasaki family.
Yataro Iwasaki, the founder of the old Mitsubishi organization, decided on the three-diamond mark as the emblem for his company.The mark is said to be an arrangement of two family crests; the three-oak-leaf crest of the Yamauchi family, Lords of Tosa, where Yataro was born, and the three-tiered water chestnut crest of the Iwasaki family.
Origins of the Famous Emblem of Mitsubishi